Tuesday 25 June 2024

Eva lost her lst Tooth

12th May 2024

Eva lost her lst tooth

25th June 2024

Eva lost the 2nd front upper tooth during Mandarin 

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Meredith Camp at Colac Lake

Last of the May babies birthdays and Sophie (31/5) wanted to spend her birthday camping… so we headed towards Lake Colac as Lake Eildon’s weather forecast was torrential rain!

We dilly dallied most of the day and by the time we packed and unpacked and repacked and we still could not fit our luxe 5• tent in as car space is now maxed out!  All that stuffing around, when we left home it was close to 1pm so we were getting hungry and before we could get 5kms on da odometer we made a quick pit stop to get our lunch on the run on wheels!  What is more yummy than Japanese???

We goofed up lunch but now we have to battle with some traffic leaving the city so we arrived at Meredith just in time for us to set up our 2• tent as the sky was turning so fast and it got pretty dark.

With a bit of light left we did the birthday cake and took our Insta shots and after dinner we did another birthday cake with the “fireworks” candle and just chilled by the fire.  
We had curry pork with beans carrots eggplant and potato eaten with roti  which we just heated up over the fire as it was too late to mess around cooking from scratch!  (Good job Sim for cooking it at home).

I did not sleep well although I had food coma.  Tossing and turning all night drifting in and out of sleep but I had the weirdest dream I pushed my bff over the hill with intentions of killing her as she stole jewellery from a shop and I did not want to be a part of it??? Anyways, I certainly made up for lost sleep the next night!

Woke up to a “mist”ical foggy morning and it looked like we were in a spooky graveyard!! The lake had disappeared from our eyes!  

When the fog/mist lifted, it was a perfect day!  Sop woke up and made the fire not just for coffee but to keep us warm!  I surprised myself as I was shivering when I walked Brodie along the shoreline.  

We cooked breakfast and just chilled around the fire pit.  There was lots of bird life all day long and we did get the fishing rods wet but we did not fish long enough to catch anything, but just being out there doing nothing in particular we were happy to plod along and just kept fuelling the fire! The day just seemed to pass by too quickly.

We fossicked around for twigs n dried bark and even managed to cook breakfast fuelled by twigs!! We did some very slow nibbling type of cooking throughout the day (chicken pieces n sweet potatoes) to use as “fillers/snacks”prior to our dinner apart from various other nibbling snacks in our loot.  We had baked salmon with unagi infused flavoured rice wrapped in seaweed.  It was so yummy but we have been eating non stop throughout the day so we were both stuffed to da max!!!  Can you imagine I could not finish my plate!! 

Next morning it was blowing gale forced winds at 22kms per hour but where we were it felt like 32km per hour!!!  The tent was “caving in” on my side but there was no need to worry about us being blown away!?!  (Mind you, we packed up our ensuite late arvo as the wind was so strong and we did not have extra pegs to hold it down properly, so it was best taken down or we would have been looking for it somewhere out there in the lake?!?)

We stayed inside the tent just snug as a bug and cosy inside our bags and when we finally decided to wake up, we unzipped the tent and long and behold, the prettiest rainbow across the lake greeted us!  What a magnificent feast for our eyes!!!  Even if we had stayed at Ritz Carlton or any other fancy hotel, I doubt we will ever be seeing this view!!

It was a lovely day, but just too windy to build a fire as much as Sop wanted her coffee or to cook anything today.  Sop has been thinking about her chocolate mud cake all night long and I was thinking about my sweet potatoes.  So we got out of the tent and who said u can’t have cake lst up in the morning whilst enjoying your surroundings … so we dug into our “cravings”!

Due to the strong consistent winds we made an unexpected decision to pack up and leave early so we reluctantly got our act together and started tearing down our tent etc and loaded up the car.  

Our esky was still half full of meals we had prepped but could not cook so we headed to Barwon Hotel in Winchelsea for some pub food and for Sop’s coffee fix!  (Had to get the mocha and latte from a sandwich shop as the pub does not do hot drinks!!!). Pleasantly delighted with my Sicilian Pasta!  I would order it again if I am passing through that way although the menu had other yummy items!

We had a great time just chilling n relaxing at Meredith and just enjoyed the natural outdoors.  Just like that it was all over.  Can’t wait for my next camping trip!!!