Wednesday 2 September 2020

Appendix/Rare Bug

Just as well I did not listen to Ganesh and went with my instincts.

Entrance to Monash

Carl - one of many gr8 nurses

Checked into Emergency Monash on Friday 28/8 and after all the waiting and being stuffed around they only operated on me on Saturday.  In the meantime I presume my appendix had raptured.

All hell broke loose...I have a rare bug!!!!

My designer handbag!

Been on fluid foods for 3 days and it was horrible.

Liquid diet

Appendix raptured so pus exploded out n they used 3 litres of water to wash/flush me out.

Have been on antibiotic drips to ensure the bug is contained/killed/surpressed???

Fine food dining!!!

They now found a rare bug in my blood culture too.  Only one known case and when my case study gets published I will be the 2nd person.

So I am doing my bit for mankind and agreed for Infectious Disease Dept to make a case study out of my findings and share with the world!  I could be famous but decided to remain annoynomous.

Leo - made sure I was comfortable and found a fan for me

30cm tube dragged out of my belly!

Rare things only happen to the best right??? The meaning of my Chinese name is "unusual tree" or precious heart...but now it looks like I should use the latter!

Overall, the pain was "endourable" but it is what you would wish for your worst enemy!!!

I have private top hospital cover but in hindsight I must commend the public system!

I came home on Sat after 9 days in Monash.

I never felt that my health was compromised even with Covid surrounding me.  Apparently, my ward is "Covid Free"!

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