Monday 30 September 2013

Chuan Spa - Langham Hotel, Melbourne

Paradise or Hell?  Well, our first experience was amazingballs (25/8/2013) .... but sadly I cannot say the same of our 2nd visit yesterday (29/9/2013)

First visit ... Chuan Spa, Langham - Melbourne

In a nutshell, we paid PREMIUM but they delivered SUB-STANDARD experience and I am still not completely over this matter and its still not resolved!

I was soooooo worked up yesterday, I plastered my bad experience all over Facebook and before you know it, Langham International responded to me.  Well, today the Assistant Manager tried to contact me but I was having an arvo nap, so I missed her call, but when I woke up and returned her call, she was off work ... so let's see what she has to say when and if I hear back from her.

Deep Tissue Massage - Fail
Facial -------------------- Major Fail

Overall experience = was in HELL Spa and not a Health Spa and walked out a dissatisfied client.

Would I ever go back again???  It all depends on what "compensation", if any is forthcoming as I am a frequent sucker for health spas and for what I paid at the Chuan Spa, I am sure there are a lot of other places I can visit and come out satisfied, relaxed and rejuvenated!!!

Am off to Como Shambhala in Ubud, Bali in a couple of days.  More treatments in store for me.  Hopefully, they will make up for the bad experience I had at Chuan Spa, Langham - Melbourne!!!

Multi Cash Currency Travel Card

Shuffling different currencies on line!  It's never been easier and safer to travel with this card.
It will be super convenient and don't have to worry about carrying various currencies and bulging the wallet or getting confused!!!
Although I am still "new" to it, but am loving it already.  You can also use it like a credit card to purchase items in whatever currency you wish in whatever country you are in.
Safe travels and flex that card - don't leave home without it!!!

Sunday 29 September 2013

Severe Fibrosis of the Liver

I was diagnosed with this condition back in June this year and since then, my life has taken a 360o turn!
In plain English, it means that my liver is packing up!!!  What exactly does it mean??? Well, give or take +/-1.7% I will have cirrhosis of the liver.  When I get to this point, it means that I am at the point of no return and my time bomb will start ticking.  If I am lucky I might have 12 months, if not, and if cancer gets the better of me, it might be just a few months ... so who knows!?!
So after I left the Gastroenterologist, I went back to work and quit my job on the spot!!! Yesssssss, time for me to go travelling and smell the roses.  My leg has healed and I have made a couple of "trial runs" travelling solo so I will be fine if I take things slowly.  I know its never going to be the same ever again.  Since the leg did not kill me, now some other part of me will and I am ready for it!?! 
Who is ever ready for death???  I guess being the "carefree" person I am, I can still joke about this and laugh it off.  Trust me, I was devastated when I found out and have cried me a river or two.  Tears are not going to save me ... so with whatever time I have for now, I will try to change my diet, lose weight, eat healthier etc and do what it takes to prolong my days. 
I have lived a good life ... ate in the best restaurants, travelled extensively, done a lot of things I have always wanted to do so I guess I am ready to go when my time is up???  The only thing missing is that I might not be around to become a grandmother!!!  I know GK will be fine but I only worry about Becky ... she is my everything!!!  Am glad she has Ray now and I know he will take good care of her ...he better, or I will come back and haunt him!!! lol
Quick fix changes ... drastic measures:
     1) Quit my job
     2) Drastic diet change
     3) Extensive travelling
     4) Quality time with family and friends
     5) Enjoy everyday to the max!
Well, let's see how many more blogs I can post until I meet my maker!!!
Never take your body parts for granted!!
Keep well everybody!! Keep smiling and have a great life and make the most of it :):):)

PS - also dedicating this blog "The Monkey In Me" to my future grandchild or children so that they can see what their grandma has been up to #winks
and also to my Becky the best gift of my life!!!

Saturday 28 September 2013

Top of NZ

It all started after KM's family dropped me off after spending the day together when her mom was visiting & holidaying here.  KM mentioned she will be going to Auckland for a work stint and in conversation jokingly invited me to go over and crash with her as her accommodation is paid by Lion:)

Well, before KM could reach home .... from the time she left here and before she got down to the city, I jumped onto the internet and booked my Qantas flights, and behold, I am off to NZ!!!  Also another good excuse to visit bro and his family.  All done within 15 mins!!!

Bro and family at the Crab Shack
I had a window of 10 days (as I had to come home for mom's 2nd anni - cant believe how time has flown by and we still miss her!) so I really packed in it and did as much as I could/we could fit in as KM was joining me to the BOI in between her busy work schedule.

In a nutshell, I hired a car, drove to Rotorua, had my mud treatment/massage at Hell's Gate (pics all lost in my u/w camera as I decided to "default all my settings" and this may be the reason why they were lost???)
Great Natural Spa Treatments
KM joined me on Thursday and we drove from Auckland all along the coast to the Bay of Islands (Paihia)  and cruised overnight on the Ipipiri and the next day we took in Russell, etc along the way and ended up at Cape Reinga and drove back to Auckland on Sunday nite so that KM could go to work on Monday!!! 

I would also like to add that KM is one of the best travelling companions anyone could have asked for and credit should also be given to her as she chauffeured me every inch of the way during our time together!!!
Top of NZ - Cape Reinga
As for the seafood .... particularly the oysters & kina ... out of this world!!!  The Puhoi Valley yogurt especially the Feijoa is tops!!!  Freshly smoked fish was sooooo yummz too!  We dined at the famous Duke of Marlborough in Russell, the Worlds Most Famous Fish & Chips in Mangonui and did the 90 mile beach drive etc etc.  You name it, we tried to do it!!!

Freshest KINA ever aka Uni or Sea Urchin & TF4 Pacific oysters

So on Monday when KM returned to work, I was off to Wellington.  Bro came and picked me up in style in his BMW 5 Series - a flying start for my next 5 days to come ...... ate loads more of oysters, and NZ seafood was fresher than daisies!!!

I am so glad I did the catch up with family and thoroughly enjoyed doing stuff together - eating, walking museums, discovering gourmet chocolate outlets, driving all over or just relaxing at home with their 2 dogs!!!  It all came to an end all too soon but I had the best time possible in the short 10 days I was there.  Definitely will try to find more time next year when I return from my "big trip" and try to make it there for Bluff Oyster season in May 2014.

Taken more than 100's of scenery shots, but here are a few teasers ....
Picturesque ... Bluestone Store
The Meeting Point - Tasman Sea meets the Pacific Ocean aka the CLASH

Mystical Rotorua

 Well, if you have not been to NZ, often there are promo flights offered by Jetstar!  Give yourself a treat and go over the Tasman!   Discover Kiwiland as she has something to offer everyone and is not just over populated by sheeps!!!