Wednesday 8 June 2016


The German Bienetta flour!! 
This magic mix is just the best if you feel like making quick Florentines for a healthy snack in just under 15 minutes!

Simmatines - slab & cut version
HS has been spoiling me with these yummy moreish snacks and lately, HS also makes them for me to take to the islands.  PR is a raving fan and since I told my buddies about it, my red skirt school classmates, I believe they have also jumped on the bandwagon but they are buying the local version of this magic flour in KL which is half the cost of the German version that I have been using.  I do not have any intensions of switching over to the KL flour just because of cost.  I believe if we cut cost, its like cutting quality and its for our own consumption, so we should use nothing but the best!!!  HS has a friend that used the local KL flour mix and found that the quality is not the same and slightly inferior?????

Boofertines - rounded packed with nuts
Ninotines, Simmatines or Boofertines... we each have our own way of making these healthy snacks. HS's version is a mix of flat seeds/nuts.  Mine which I call Simmatines is like HS's but with added cranberries, cashews and raisins.  I even tried one batch with chocolate chips but its supposedly to be "healthy" so of late, I have been adding some salt instead and trying to use minimal Benietta to bind all the seeds and nuts together. 
On the other hand, Boofertines are rounded and made in paper cups and it is od-ed with seeds and whole nuts including what we both use, so MB's Boffertines are the Rolls Royce of all Florentines!!!  As you can see from pix, you can store Boffertines by stacking one on top of another, and the paper cup does not just give it the "sexy" shape, but it also acts as protection and minimises breakage especially in transit.  Trust MB - what an excellent idea and to get rounded Florentines, which I am sure some of us will take on board.
Boofertines - handmade to perfection!

I have only one bag of Bienetta left and its still on its way from flooded Tassieland.  Used my last lot to make some for my girlies to try over our weekend getaway and they liked it too.  Excellent for munchies in the dark when out for movie nights!!
Simmatines - for the weekend getaway!

We managed to find a source to buy Bienetta locally, but the only snag is we have to purchase it in bulk.  I guess if everyone likes them, we could easily share and split the 10 packets amongst friends.  This way, its like sharing the "fats" around as well as we do not have to consume all 10 packets by oneself - they are very nice indeed but very naughty!!!  As I am blogging this, I am waiting for Boofertines to arrive and cannot wait to tuck into them.

Word of warning:  If you have a sweet tooth, you will be doomed by these so easy to make Florentines!!!  ENJOY!!!

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