Friday 15 July 2016


New family member!!!  Another furry daughter - meet Charli a Japanese Spitz and she is about 3 months old.  Young tender age, but definitely very smart, quick learner and too intelligent for her own good.
Snowy seems to have accepted Charli very well and is taking all the bullying - pouncing on her, biting/nibbling, snatching etc as Snowy is 12 years old now and her maternal instincts must be kicking in to let Charli get away with her nonsense!!!
They play well together at times and some days they look like they are killing one another, but when asleep, Charli looks like an angel sent from heaven!!! All fluffy and nice and very cuddly.

Don't they look adorable together in this pix???

Early days yet, and it has only been 2 weeks now and Charli has settled and assimilated into the family well, but we shall see what the future holds!!!  Charli still needs to be toilet trained outside in the garden but she has a "role model" in Snowy to follow, so hopefully all our "pain" will pass with time!!!  Can't wait to just sit back and enjoy the 2 furry daughters.

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