Friday 17 January 2020

Evas 2nd Christmas 2019

Christmas 2019 has come and gone in a flash! 
The long luncheon this year was held at J & S place and the Misa's put on a generous variety of yummy foods.

Xmas Eve dinner was at home and there is only 5 plus _+? of us .. if you do not already know, Becky is preggers with No:2.  We are still waiting for end of January after her test to confirm gender/dates etc.  Exciting right?

Cannot imagine I am going to have 2 grandchildren but Eva is always going to be my forever number one!!!
It was a small scale dinner just for us.  We had turkey, glazed ham, dutch carrots with asparagus, roast potatoes, cauliflower cheese, mushroom sauce and Eva enjoyed her dinner.

Before I rattle on any further, I have to mention that Eva decorated the Xmas tree this year and her theme was "beads" so it was beads galore (red and green) and Eva wanted to dangle them, so she told me to "cut" as they are too long for her to handle.  I must say Eva certainly has a deco flare... the tree looks so good even though we were not allowed to have lights on.  (Ray said we cannot have lights!)
Eva's prized reindeer!
Eva would dangle one day and the next, she will remove them and re-dangle them.  It seems strange at first, but after a few days of doing this and she repeatedly kept doing it, we finally came to the conclusion that Eva was just trying to achieve perfection!!!
Part of The clan
Xmas morning bed head pix

Misa Xmas Spread

Sprung! Eva said "one" only!!!
Loving her beach set
Eva is still the No: 1 at this year's Christmas gathering.  She is still highly sought after for a cuddle and this year, she is no longer a blob.  She is a little miss bossy boots and will tell you exactly what she wants or she throws a tantrum to get what she wants!

Everyone had way too much to eat, and out came the containers and everyone had doggie bags to take home for the next day or the rest of the week!!!  On the other hand, Eva was distracted and hardly ate.  When she finally got hungry, she went to the table and helped herself.  She was after grapes and was caught having a few... but when asked, she said "one" and even used her little finger to show it.  

Lots to eat, lots of pressies for everyone, and lots of fun and laughter shared.  It was a funtastic Christmas and can only get better each year and the next Christmas, we will be having another newbie join in the fun!

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