Wednesday 24 January 2024

Simona’s lst day at Kindergarten and Swimming Lesson

Simona’s first day at Kindergarten 22/1/2024.  She said she had a good day and dad bought her flowers to mark her big day!


Today Simona had her lst swimming lesson.

Proud of her Certificate

She was excited about going and when she got there, she was really confident and felt comfortable and at ease in the water.  She did everything the swimming coach asked of her as we watched over her and Eva with our “hawk” eyes!!

Diligently listens to instructions 

Not a moment of struggle in the water and she was “fearless”.  Simona was treading water like a pro!!! From the looks of Day 1, I am lead to believe Simona will take after me in the water!!!


Happy vibes

Blowing bubbles

So relaxed

Deep end

Cannot wait to see how Simona will progress with her classes.  Every bath time so far since her lst lesson…. she wears her swimming cap.. goggles and  practices her blowing bubbles.  If she remains this keen, surely she would be swimming before the end of the year!?!

Boxing Day 2023

We had so much left overs from Christmas even after everyone doggie bagged food home!

I took a bit of everything left over and went to spend Boxing Day lunch with AY n MN.

When Alice said to go over, I quickly re-made the little pavalova n cucumber salmon caviar thingies above!


The only items I replicated fresh was the mini pavs n the salmon cucumber caviar thingies as they were demolished on Xmas Day! AY topped it up by having huge prawns and lobster!

It was pretty low key and very chill and we chatted the day away eating without fuss!!!

Always nice to spend time with good friends and am glad we took the time to do so!! 

Christmas 2023

2023 Christmas Peeps

Christmas 2023 was held at Cezanne Crescent because most of the Misa clan members were away!

I was delegated to roast the Turkey and glaze the ham.  Lola was in charge of sides n veggies but also made the roast pork.  Cecile was to bring her Toblerone cheesecake and pork skewers but came with spring rolls and apple crumble too.  All in all we had 23 dishes between the 3 of us and it was indeed a feast even fit for the king!!!

My roasted golden Turkey

My berries pavalova

My pomegranate dip ball

My glazed ham

My roast potatoes

My Salmon cucumber caviar thingies

My chatuterie board

Ray’s oysters n caviar

Lola’s Roast Pork

Lola’s roasted veggies

Lola’s colourful carrots

Fred’s Dutch potato egg salad

Green mixed salad

Macaroni Salad

The Dessert Table

Cross section of my berries pav

Crunchy Sweet Tassie Cherries

The kids had a great time and was spoilt by presents galore, Christmas games, and everyone bestowed so much love on them… afterwards, Simona and Eva asked when are we having another party!?!

Part Savoury Spread

Johnny leashing out!!!

Bubbles all round

My cucumber salmon caviar thingie

My Fruit Platter

Cecile’s Spring Rolls

There was so much food left over, some stayed back for dinner and most of them even took doggie bags home with them!

It has been a while since we last hosted a Christmas luncheon for 15 pax but all the hard work of preparation and cooking paid off as everyone went home with a smile on their face and with a very happy belly!
My Xmas bakes

Lola’s Jelly

Apple crumble 

Toblerone Cheesecake

Ray’s Lemon Slice

My Mince Pies

If old age still permits, I am happy to cook again for next Christmas to come as  I enjoy a good roast turkey and glazed ham alasim style!