Saturday 25 May 2019

Eva's lst Party

Finally, it happened on the 7th April 2019.  Eva had her belated lst birthday at the Alexander Room of Madeline's Cafe in Jells Park, Wheelers Hill.
The weather was perfect at 25c and the turn out was great considering some did not brave the "Eva bug"!!!

The room decor did not turn out as I had planned and was a shambles and we ran out of time to decorate the table etc.  The balloons got popped more than we could string them together. Nothing could stick on the walls. It was a nightmare and I finally called it quits and gave up the "look" I wanted to create for the party but the guests laughing, eating, drinking, chatting away and having fun soon made up for the disaster!

Food food food... plenty of food being served on platters - cold/hot and the desserts were incredible.  Credit goes to Lola Evelyn for all the baked goods and there was more than 10 varieties of desserts, we were all spoilt for choice!  

Becky's MacRob girl gang
Eva in my daisy garden bed!
Red velvet cupcakes
Esp for you Eva - your mommy and her bridesmaids 
The birthday cake 
Assortment of cupcakes - vanilla etc
Ball pit
Nothing like what I had in mind!!!
Aunty Sophie's popcorn was a sellout!
3 daisy balloons up - better than nothing!
Eva & PohPoh Sim
Hot food skewers 
Getting ready for the birthday singalongsong
Popping balloons are so much more fun than blowing 
Antipasto platter
Eva's friends from Baby Sensory
The "plonk it here" door gifts table - lol

Eva is still recovering and is still not 100percent today (11/4) but her appetite has improved.  She is eating well and hopefully will put on some weight!

Eva was overwhelmed at her party.  I guess she was not used to seeing so many people together at the one time and all singing happy birthday to her.  As the day went by, Eva opened up more as initially  she was very clingie to mommy.  Towards the end she was having fun with her boy cousins and grand aunty Elanor.
In a nutshell, it was short and sweet and 2 hours flew by too fast.  The was plenty hot/cold food platters served and easily more than 10 varieties of cakes/sweet desserts made by the grandmas apart from the 3 birthday cakes which were made to order.

Lots of dessert "doggie bags" left with the guests when the party ended.


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