Saturday 25 May 2019

Snowy's Departure

23rd May 2019....our family (pet) member Snowy had to be put down as the Vet could not do anymore for her.

We always knew we had to come to terms with this "D" day one fine day but never expected it to happen so suddenly 2 days ago - going to the Vet's for a 2nd checkup because of a blood nose and Snowy never came home!  Snowy was diagnosed with cancer and kidney failure, so with heavy hearts we let her go so she no longer have to endure the pain and suffering.

Snowy was Becky's 21st birthday present.  I grew up with dogs back in Malaysia... but dogs are dogs and they live outside the house in the open and get fed left over scraps of human food.
Snowy on the other hand was a "human dog".  She was an inside dog and slept with we us in our beds!  You could also call her a "slut" as she moves around the house throughout the night and sleeps a few hours with each of us taking it in turns.

14 years of her companionship and Snowy loved us as much if not more than we loved her.  Snowy had a good life.

Snowy was by my bedside everyday when I broke my leg and was bed ridden for 7 months....tyvm Snowy!  No matter where we may be in the house, you only have to call Snowy once and she will come to you unlike Charli.

Snowy loved her food..sunbaking..walkies..playing in the parks chasing birds and she loved having a shower followed by a blow dry afterwards.  Besides some of the things I mentioned, Snowy is a very affectionate dog.

Snowy loves Eva as well.  Lately, Eva has been seen giving Snowy more pats and sayang...(love).  When Eva is old enough to read I hope this blog will touch her heart as she is too young now to remember Snowy when she grows up in years to come!

I could go on and on about Snowy but just wanted to mention that when she first moved in with us, I did not allow it but slowly very slowly Snowy grew on me and I just wanted to document that whoever said a "dog is a man's best friend" is so true cause Snowy definately was a true example and will be sadly missed but never forgotten.

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