Friday 21 July 2023

Langkawi 2023

Who says there is nothing to do in Langkawi?!?

This destination was an “iffy pick” but am glad I chose it because Hari Raya fell within those dates that I was going to be there so I thought Langkawi would be the best place for me to chill during this festive time.

As it turned out… a great surprise was in store for me.  Chandra n Eesan my old buddies from London (they were visiting rellies in Singapore) came over to spend a few days with me in Langkawi n we had a ball catching up and discovering Langkawi together with the help of my “island daughter” Dionne.

Dionne was our “personal driver/local tourist guide”.

We packed in as much as we could and made the best of the short time we could spend together.  

As usual… lots of eating here and there but we also did some touristy things and soaked in some of the local culture and sights.

I “fell in love” with Langkawi… laid back and yet still enough of action to do as much or as little as one desires!  Local peeps are very friendly and the pace was just perfect and Langkawi is definitely a boomerang for me.

(Visited April 2023)

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