Saturday 6 April 2013

Snowy has gone on an Easter Breakation!

Even a dog needs a holiday!

Snowy pretending to sleep ... she's listening to Doris Day!!!

Gives us human's a bit of a break from feeding them, fussing over them, and it gives the dog time away to appreciate its "family"?!?
Actually, we have to replace the shower base and the tradesman was going to take 2 days to do the job.  Imagine Snowy barking at him non stop for 2 days???  Well, its time to send Snowy on a little breakation to Chelsea.
At Evelyn's, Snowy has two other furry friends to play with and yummy chicken adobo for dinner!!! 
Snowy in her own room .... enjoying her breakation in Chelsea
Snowy has taken to human food and "My Dog" will only be eaten if she knows that we are not going to give her some of our table food.
Snowy's playmate "old boy Fox" (and Jessie) .... missing Snowy
Somewhat, the house seems soooooo different without Snowy.  She wears a little "jingle bell" so we know when she is approaching and even the Postman misses her!!!  He gets barked at before he can make it to our front door.  Snowy is a really good guard dog and a great bed companion.  Snowy can "sleep" the whole day next to me if I stay in bed. 
Snowy is very lovable ... she checks up on everyone even in the middle of the night.  Have not had her fur flying all over the house on everything from our clothes, to furniture to my laptop keyboard etc etc .... but you get used to it .... well, I did ... so we are now waiting anxiously for Snowy to come home.
Yessssss we miss you Snowball ... and hope you miss us too!!!
Snowy ... look at those puppy eyes!

When Enough is Enough - What Do I Want to Eat!!!

Being confined to the bed, I get asked this question at least 3 times a day .... breakfast, lunch and dinner.  If not 3 times, it can be soooooo many times that I can sense GK is going to be mad if I do not decide soon!!!  He just asked me what I wanted for lunch and walked away ... to give me time to think what I want to eat!!!  Today its Hungry Jacks!!!  Yessssssss nothing like a bit of junk food to perk me up for the rest of the day:)
Trust me, it gets harder by the day ... if not by the meal ... as this household has been eating take out since November 2012 with the odd meal being cooked at home.  When GK cooks, its either BBQ or Konloe Noodles and this is only when he is in the mood!!! 
GK's Konloe Noodles - I rate it 8/10
Ocassionally, we have been spoilt by a few good friends too .... they have been cooking for us:)
Alice comes with nasi lemak & noodles ... food for 3 days
Since I can move around better now on crutches, I have been going out for lunches/dinners to break the "take out" routine.
I can't wait to be able to cook again standing on two good legs!!!  Never thought I will ever say it, but I must admit I miss my cooking and like Becky says ... there's nothing like mother's comfort food and we miss our stirred fried green leafy veggies :)
You know when enough is enough .... its when you are scratching your head and you are clueless as to what you want to eat!!!  So much for "takeaway" food!!!

Holidays Holidays Holidays

Eversince I went on my lst world tour back in 2000 for just under 6 months travelling solo, I have given my Travel Agent the flick upon my return!!!  She was going to book a flight for me from New York to Philadelphia!?!
Back then, I took the subway from the World Trade Centre and it costed me USD$1.00 to get across the Hudson River to Philly!!!
With technology and easy access to the internet searching for destinations, airfares, hotels etc, it has made it not only easy for me to organise my own holidays but this is the fun part which I enjoy most - building a trip from scratch.  For me, it is challenging, exciting and finding the most competitive airfares with the best possible connections and then phasing in hotels and activities gives me a real buzz. 
As my leg is still "unwalkable" ... I have given myself another good six months before I am off on my next holiday!!!  Regardless!!!
Been busy doing with what I do best ... booking holidays ... looking at hotels, etc etc and am now I am soooo pumped ... I am going to ensure that my leg will behave as I am going to will my leg to be "walkable" without aids come October.
I was in Tahiti 10 years ago, but back then although I had a great time, I think I did not do it "right"!?!  This time in the Maldives I am going to splurge out for an over the water bungalow, spa treatments, good food and do nothing but chill and soak up the expensive sun and water!  I hope I will not be disappointed as to me, Bora Bora has always been the dream water paradise destination.  Maldives???  Let's keep an open mind and compare later.
Bora Bora
Looks like I am back on track!!!  Now I have a few holidays planned in the pipeline, and I am just waiting for the day to roll around.
Soon .... I will be there to soak up the sun and water in the Maldives
As if not enough, now I find my friends are asking me to book holidays for them.  So in some ironic ways, I am a "Travel Agent".  I guess I could class myself in the "well travelled" category too and some days I do wonder why I have never done something with all my travel experience and knowledge I have gained over the years, as my passion definitely lies in this field.
Ready or not ...First up, I am going to Maldives for an indulgent holiday:)  Bali, Kuala Lumpur, Mabul & Sipadan will follow immediately after Maldives!!!  Simply cannot wait now:)

Amazon ... just one of zillion amazing online shopping sites!!!

Lying in bed, my laptop seems to be weighing a tonne on me and it was getting hot, to an extent that I was afraid that one day soon, it might even blow up and burn the house down if I am not at home, as I do not turn my laptop off unless I am away on holidays.

I have been relying more on my "fingers" lately to do all my walking .... and yessss my fingers have been busy as I have purchased a few things on line.  Give the fingers some freedom and its amazing what damage you can do to your bank account!

Letting my fingers do all the walking..... I have purchased a X5 Steamer, an Ipad, a Kitchenaid "Pink" Mixer amongst other things :)  

Customer Service Survey from Amazon
The Ipad has been a great buy as I have been busy playing games and exhausted "one word four pictures" and been busy on Facetime with my friends.  The Ipad is excellent!!! It is sooooo light and makes reading a breeze lying in bed and I have also been using it as my "entertainment" hub as I have been watching Crackle movies on it.

Who says, staying at home is "safe & cheap"???  Staying in bed, does not stop me from spending money on line!!!  Online shopping can be lazy, addictive, convenient, expensive ... whatever, but it has been good for me.  It gives me something to look forward to when the doorbell rings!!!! .... another arrival of my goods :)

Another purchase .... when the door bell rings!

Yayyyyy for online shopping! I forgot to mention, I even purchased a cooler fan to put under my laptop .... so now my laptop feels "normal" and it is cool all the time.  As an added bonus, the fan cooler's blue light also doubles up as a night light!

Laptop Cooler



Esther, my 19 year old KIWI niece from Wellington, New Zealand.
Esther Tan - My Kiwi Neice
Well, she arrived on the 9th March and was to be a long term house guest as she decided she needed a change of environment, friends, job etc and in a nutshell, she is on an adventure and looking for a new beginning.  A  new fresh life in Melbourne where the grass is greener!?!
So we offered to put her up until she can stand on her own two feet and everything was rosy!!!  I had another companion at home, she was my "chauffer" and we were going places!!! hahaha.  Esther was happy, my brother and s-i-law could not be more thankful as I have an eye on Esther #winks
Not even into her 2nd week in Melbourne, her boyfriend is to be arriving .... obviously, when my brother and s-i-law found out, they started to freak out!!  Lots of time spent on Facetime, Skype, and before you know it, the BF is not coming over any more and Esther has purchased a ticket to go back home the day the BF was to be arriving!!!
So all good things came to an end ..... so much for a new start!!!  Good luck Esther with everything back home in Wellington.
If and when you ever need to come back to give Melbourne another go ... you know you always have a bed here waiting for you!!!

Time flies ... Where have I been the past 2 months???

Just looked back on my last blog ... and it was written back in January!!!

Where has all the time gone???  I had sooooo much of it!!!!  What have I been doing???  Yessssssss my leg is still "unwalkable" without aids, but I guess I have been keeping myself busy with something or other!!!

The low down .... Tuesdays, I have been going to the Doctors, Wednesdays I have hydrotherapy, Thursdays I have physio at the hospital and Mondays and Fridays if its not blood works, its something or other!!!  I also have appointments galore to see every Specialist under the sun... so I am doing something!!! ... looks like I am getting my bod in some kind of shape to an acceptable level that my old GP, Dr Lena will take me back!!!

My daily home physio exercises have been doing some good but it does leave me fatigued .... so most afternoons I have a baby nap!

March has seen a few visitors coming and going .... so I guess I have been busy with "entertaining" and playing "hostess" from bed!!!
Raymond & family from Penang
Sign language seems to have gone out of the window and its amazing, what you learn and don't put into use ... you tend to forget .... at least with me, I can blame it on old age!!!!

Johnny & Jelly
Now that I can move around more easily even with crutches, I have been going out for lunches/dinners, and the odd social gathering ... and it feels good not just confined to the bed, so I guess time has passed me by and there seems to be a marked improvement on my leg ... on the outside at least, but who knows about the bone on the inside!?!  Waiting for my next lot of x-rays on the 15/4 to determine my faith!!! 

I can even go upstairs now, but I have not taken on full swing of my domestic chores yet!!! ... just some light duties of folding clothes, to fill in the day on days that I am feeling "bothered" but otherwise, I am just "chilling"!!!