Tuesday 6 January 2015

Veggie Gardening

Yessssss I am sniffling, eyes are itchy and rubbing my nose non-stop, but when I see progress in growth, it is rewarding and worth a bit of "suffering".  What can I say - hayfever or not, I have been messing in the garden a lot lately as I have so much time on my hands with nothing much else to do!!! 
When I returned to OZ on 10/12 after my 70 days gallivanting in SEAsia, I put in a few seedlings - chillie, red capsicums, various herbs and zucchini.  It is close to a month now, but feels like only yesterday I was pushing the cart at the nursery picking out the plants.  The growth rate is eye-boggling.... everything seems to double in size over night with some watering especially in today's weather.... personally, it is way toooooo hot outside for my liking, but the plants love it!!!
Various veggies/herbs
Some others got fried in the sun of late as the weather in Melbourne the past week or so has been in the high 30'sC.  The curry leaves, red capsicums and the fig tree seems to be the worst affected and doubt if resurrection is at all possible?!?

Fried to da bone

However, on the bright sunny side, zucchini is flowering and I am also harvesting about a mouthful of cherry tomatoes on a daily basis and the herbs are looking so lush - whenever I see them, they are starring at me as if talking back to me and saying "USE ME"!!  As soon as I get some fresh seafood, I will make my Krabi inspired concoction that will see me balding the chinese parsley....and I will slowly move on to the others and see if I can use them in my Sunday roasts etc!!!

Zucchini flowers!!!

The "Krabi" condiment consists of fresh finely chopped up chinese parsley, chilles, shallots, fish sauce, lime juice, salt and sugar -- drooling as I type  out the ingredients as its so moorish, appetising and you will not be disappointed.  Will post pix when I get this dish done some day soon - I promise LOL?!?
Chinese Parsley to be used in my Krabi concoction
Like me, if you have plenty of time on your hands, why not turn your fingers "green".  Never thought I will ever say it, but there is nothing like home grown and as organic as you can get (unless Snowy has done her business on them without my knowledge) and they do taste a world apart from supermarket products.
Meantime, Happy Gardening and remember, what you sow is what you rip in your harvest!!!

I made the dish using rockling fillet n here is a pix as promised. It tastes better than it looks!!!

Rockling fillet with Krabi condiment

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