Tuesday 10 February 2015

Rocket Harvest - Arugula

Hooray for (Hazel) Sim!!!  I harvested my first crop of rocket today.  It took forever to get where I want it to be, but the long wait paid off today.

Ready for lst harvest

What can I say, there was so much of "OMG" like you have never tasted b4!!!  Too much punch ... it was deliciously yuckkkkkky!!!

Deliciously Yuckkkky Rocket!!!
I posted pixs on FB and tagged my BFF and she is green with envy as she tried to grow them in Singapore and they looked shockingly miserable compared to my luscious crop.
I had a quickie salad ... roast chicken (actually stole some from Snowy's chook - yes this dog gets bought a roast chicken every week), spanish onions, tomatoes, chinese parsley from the garden all chopped up and tossed with sweet plums, goats cheese, sea salt and trust me, today it did not need any pepper!!!  I think the saviour in my salad today was the fresh lychees.  The juicy sweetness helped to offset the bitterness and peppery taste of the Arugula - more sophisticated than calling it by its common name, Rocket!!!

Lychees, Lychees, Lychees
The rocket was just wayyyyyyy too bitter and peppery.  I am a "Rocket Queen" as I have been on rocket as my "staple" for more than 18 months now and class myself as an expert!!! 

Well, what does not kill you only makes you stronger!!! So true!!!
Will I continue to grow this rocket??? The answer is YES.  Why??? It is good for my liver and because I did promise Becky I will do what it takes to prolong my existence on this planet.  Unquote my BFF - she said, "God gave you 80 years to eat, but you consumed them in 55, so now its payback time".  Might I also add, she said I should stay home and diligently eat this expensive grass!!!  Rocket is not your everyday source of leafy goodness in Asia.  If you can find it, consider yourself lucky and be prepared to pay top dollars for it.  I was even surprised when I was travelling in some Eastern European countries, that rocket is not readily available or stocked in the supermarket shelves!!!

comparetherocket.com - lol
Lucky for me, I am living in the land of milk and honey plus fruits, vegetables and meat - one of the world's best fresh food producing countries.  Even more lucky, I can grow my own rocket in the backyard.  My home grown rocket is organic and shop bought is no where close in comparison to mine in goodness, but in my case, its yuckiness plus yesssss - size does matter as can be seen in this pix on your left!!!  I will endeavour to eat this Arugula known for its detoxifying benefits and keep my liver happy and use it in my rejuvenating daily salad concoctions.  Super food, healthy leafy green rocket salad, I know you are now a part of my new lifestyle!!!

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