Friday 19 September 2014

Roadtrip Adventure into the OZ Outback

Some may think I am out of my mind, but I say ... I like to "live dangerously" or call me adventurous!?! Whatever, I applied online through Gumtree to hitch a ride with "an unknown"... obviously a MAN as in a stranger of a man!!!!!
The Ad- I applied on line!!!
If I could change a tyre and have some basic mechanic knowledge then things would be different, but I am not capable of doing this, so if I run into trouble in the red centre or even outside of my front driveway... I need a MAN to do the job and all the nitty gritties like start a camp fire, pitch a tent, etc etc.

Up to this point of my life, I might have covered 6 continents and travelled the world far and wide, but don't laugh, I have never been camping ever!!! yesssssss this is my very first time!!!

Well, I guess u can say I don't do things by half ... I am going on this "camping road trip" for the next 3 months departing 17/6 and will be home on 10/9 --- God willing/forgiving in time to tie up a few loose ends and a quick clean of the house before I take off again on the 30/9 with my snorkel buddy, Peter from Singen, Germany to frolic with whalesharks etc in the Phillipines and then land up in Mabul/Sipadan.

Sorry, I got side tracked, but back to how this roadtrip came about --- I  was going to do a road trip with KM but since she is unable to do it with me, I jumped onto Gumtree and looked for "travel mates" into the outback. 

lst application to one named Dave sounded the most promising and would have given me the REAL outback experience I reckon, but when I called for a meeting prior to the trip, he pulled the plug on me.  Then there was Lionel and yessss we were planning and we were all set and going to travel together but when I asked for a copy of his driving license, he said he is going to forget everything and wished me luck!!! Pooffffffffies

My "precautions" prior to tripping!!!

Michael - my travel companion
Now, I am even more determined than ever to make a trip eventuate and I kept looking at Gumtree each nite before bed, and found my 3rd (lucky last!) ride with Michael from Hobart.  He seems "normal" in pix and we have Skyped a few times now since he said he would take me  and we will be travelling in his motorhome.  I know its the "lux" way on the highway, but it never hurts to have a small degree of creature comforts especially for 3 months. 

Something tells me it won't be soooooo exciting and I might not be going to kick up some red dust, but what the heck, I am still going to ride with Michael ... of course, my mind is racing at 10000 miles an hour now, what if this, what if that, and I guess if I don't go, I won't know, right?  I can abort mission somewhere along the line and find my own way home.  You know, Michael did mention something along these lines that if it came to this or I have had enough of him, he would pay half my ticket fare for me to come back to Melbourne.  Now, is that nice or not or sweet????

Well, what I really wanted to get across to everyone is that not everyone is going to be a rapist, murderer or a loonie but just in case, I never know, so I am going to plaster his face and his vehicle on this blog, so that if anything unforeseen should happen to me/us, someone in cyber world can look for me/us. 

Otherwise, I guess all I need to do is sit back, relax, enjoy the ride and take my adventurous spirit with me.
Blog as much as I can before I go on this long ride, otherwise when I get home, I am sure I will have heaps to tell ... stay tuned!!!!

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