Friday 19 September 2014

The King and I

On a wet cold winter's nite...what could possibly be better than having dinner with my favourite couple and then we are off to the Princess Theatre to watch this Rodgers and Hammerstein's production.

I last watched it in London about 14 years ago when one of my friend's son was part of the London cast as one of the many children of "The King".  It is a light hearted musical and quite entertaining but still my all time fav is "The Phanthom of the Opera".

Also not on a professional level...but the Melbourne Boys' High School also had this performance and we went to see it years ago...from memory - for high school students it was also an enjoyable evening had by one and all.

Oh dear, looks like I started this and has been sitting in "draft" for the past few months as I was away on a RV roadtrip to the Outback and am happy to say I am home safe and sound now.... so shall continue where I left off!!!!

Where was I??? Let's cut to the chase as it has been months ago now and the musical is over .... but it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening and if you have not seen it, I highly recommend it .... when it comes round again in Melbourne!!!

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