Thursday 25 September 2014

Chia Puddings

One of my lst puddings on da road!
I have been taking Chia seeds over a year plus now, but when I first started on them, I only mixed the seeds into my black tea with lemon ginger honey.  I found it easier to consume it in liquid form than having them stuck in its raw form in between my teeth when I sprinkle them on my salads.
I first encountered this yummilicious Chia pudding during the RV outback roadtrip when we stopped in Noosaville at the Farmers Market.  At $8.00 for a small tub, I thought it was a bit on the rich side, but on the other hand, it was packed with wholesome goodness and it looked so pretty, so I had to buy one... and what can I say, ever since then I have been hooked on it and have been making my own concoctions.
Mixed berries I cooked up into a compote and stirred into plain yogurt
This super food has been getting a big buzz lately especially for the health conscious.  The tiny seeds look like frogs XXX and when absorbed in liquid, they turn gelatinous and swell to at least 10 times their original size.
They come in black or white and I tend to buy both and shake them up into one!!!  Colour I believe is only cosmetic.  Whilst they cost a bit more than other seeds on the market, it does not take many to create an interesting effect.  Just let your imagination run wild and creative flair go into over drive!!!
It is claimed that Chia seeds are high in Omega-3 fatty acids and contain Alpha-Linoleic Acid (ALA) and Linoleic Acid (LA).  They also contain protein, fibre and some antioxidants.  Chia seeds do not need to be ground up like flaxseeds in order for the body to absorb their nutrients. 
So lately, I have been playing around with different measurements and with different ingredients.  For the Chia base, I like to soak the seeds with coconut milk with a dash of honey and on some sweet days, instead of honey, I grind in some sea salt instead!!  Salt??? Yuckks ... but there is no right or wrong, just go with the flow and create what you feel like for the day.  Change the glassware, have it "man style" on a plate with no frills.  Whatever tickles your fancy!!

"Man Style - No Frills
I have also been trialling them with almond milk and different combinations including Ribena, but must admit the coconut milk is still my hero!!!There are lots of ways to play with these little gem seeds, and after propping your initial ones, you will get a neck for them and soon find out what goes well with different flavours, fruit and nuts.  Besides, it all boils down to individual taste and preferences.  I love bananas with all kinds of combinations and for me the banana rocks my pudding!!!
Rainbow Chia in da garden
I layer the chia seed pudding with yogurt, coulis/compote and use fruits to decorate the glassware to make it look pretty.  As the Chia seeds are tasteless, it is good to infuse them into your favourite flavours and experiment.  No matter how healthy, as we tend to eat with our eyes, I guess presentation does count!!!
Here are some of my many creations ....
Topped with crushed macadamia nuts
Blood Orange & Rhubarb - I soaked the Chia seeds in the blood orange juice!
My all time favourite has got to be Rhubarb with Blood Orange but the others are all very delicious too. Mixing and matching ingredients makes it so exciting - sometimes I don't know what to expect but when all the layers all jell together correctly as one and explodes in my mouth, what can I say but Chia Seed Puddings are WOW!!!

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