Saturday 31 December 2016

Christmas 2016

This year, I wanted a Christmas tree that fits into the green garbo bin and my wish came true!
Its always about quantity and variety at our place for Christmas dinner, so this year was no exception.  5 meats, 6 sides and more than 10 varieties of desserts.  Although the meats were reduced by size, as many usual peeps were away overseas this year, so we only had under 20 of us but still, we had heaps of left overs even after doggie bags were flying out the door.

Highlights of this Xmas spread...salmon galettes n my pav was totally demolished.  2 Xmas cakes, one made by CK and she lugged it all the way to OZ for me.  It is so yummz and I have been drip feeding myself on a small slice each day and hopefully it will stretch till the twelfth day of Christmas!!!

Longest running Xmas guest AC - 19th year!!!
Ann reminded me that this year is her 19th year with us for Christmas.  Wow how time flies by us and it is always a pleasure to have her and Chris at Christmas time.
This is also Charli's lst Christmas with the family and she was happy prancing around entertaining us as a reindog!!!

As per usual, everyone had a good time and looking at the spread alone gave them food coma.  Another Christmas done and dusted and 2016 has been good overall.  Let's hope 2017 will be even more exciting for everyone!!!

The glazed Ham

Perfectly roasted turkey in weber!

Xmas is all about family and good food!

Ng family Rep - Sharon


Men at work!!!

AlaSim Pavalova

Salmon Galettes

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