Saturday 31 December 2016

Long Lost Friend - YMS

Thanks to social media, my persistence and resourcefulness, I managed to hook up with YMS.  Yessss it was over food again!!!

It has been more than 32 years since I last saw YMS.  Even then on that day, I do not know what happened.  We hardly spoke and then we parted ways.  Eversince, I have always wondered what has become of him???

YMS and some of his friends and my special KL ladies
When I was growing up, I spent a lot of time at the swimming pool.  I cannot seem to recall exactly how, but it must have been my dad.  I guess he wanted me to "perfect my strokes" so he hired YMS as my swimming coach.  My dad always encouraged me in the pool and I know although I am a "Jack of all Trades and Master of none", but I did excel in the water.  Under YMS's coaching and patience, I made it to State level swimming and represented Selangor in my hay days and even held the record for the 200m breaststroke event for Under 18!
My special chool ladies and YMS

The pool days were carefree, even naughty but they were great days.  It was hard work being a teen and waking up at 4am and going for training and then come home and get ready for school at 7.30am.  When school was over at 1.30pm, its straight back to the pool for more training and we just swam our hearts out.  YMS was the best coach ever, he would pace me and together we just swam and swam and swam and I did this day in and day out rain or shine for so many years.  It was a "normal life" - a daily routine but I was very disciplined and took swimming very seriously although mom was not happy about it.  Mom always blamed being in the water for so long everyday was not good for me and contributed to my menstral problems I had when growing up!!!

YMS was also a good springboard diver.  Under his wings, I was good on the l metre board too and was always mucking around and "showing off" as back in the days, girls are not supposed to be good at diving!?!  Well, I was!!!!!
I still have so many fond memories of those times spent training, competitive wise and through inter-school and state meets, I made so many friends but like everyone else, we all grew up and left the pool and gone to further our studies etc and have lost touch except for CFN.  She is the best pool buddy I have and we have always kept in touch whenever possible and when I am in KL, I try to pop by to see her at Central Market.

There is another pool friend, CTT that I would like to find, but so far I have not had much luck tracking her down.  Finding YMS was like finding Nemo except way harder, but I never gave up.

Lesson to be learnt - good things comes to those that believe, better things come to those that are patient and the best things come to those who don't give up!!!  Now I can tick YMS off my bucket search list!!!

All the years and water under the bridge did not seem to hinder our long lost friendship.  We are just picking up from where we left off and getting re-acquainted again.  It has been fun so far catching up on all the happenings and we are filling in all the gaps.  Looks like happy times are here again although we are still a world apart!!

What can I say - but a big thank you very much for technology!!!
Hasnah - my lst island daughter

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