Thursday 17 January 2013

Learn Something Different

Out of the blue and I find myself learning ASL sign language.
Something somewhere inside me must lie a dormant interest to learn the sign language.  Well, seeing that I have so much time on my hands or shall I say "broken leg" instead, I jumped onto youtube and surprised myself how fast I was able to pick up signing.

No, I do not intend to work with the less unfortunate deaf/dumb, but I guess I started it out of boredom, just like how I started this blog!  Any kind of extra knowledge is power, so I guess there is no harm learning something new.

To me, I believe learning how to sign is better than for me to learn another foreign language, as signing is more universal and would be used more widely.  Perhaps it could even come in handy if I ever get a stroke and become unable to speak (mom had one!) then at least I can still communicate with signing!

Since I got stuck into it, learning the basic alphabets first and then slowly introducing words/phrases I have built up quite a solid vocabulary of basic colours, numbers, everyday living phrases/words and hopefully will be able to hold a "decent conversation" soon.

Thanks to my broken leg ... I have learnt something useful and cannot wait to communicate with signing .... so let the fun begin!

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