Wednesday 2 January 2013

Long Overdue Bridal Shower Photos

Its 2013 ...HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!!!

No excuses for being slack posting pics from the bridal shower held in August LAST YEAR, but I guess, its better late than never!

We had a "Princess Theme" for this shower.  Here are a few snippets ... and we had a blast!  For those brides getting married, don't pass out on having a "shower" as you might think it is unnecessary or toooo hard work, but trust me, its loads of fun and definitely alot of sweet memories .... down the track! 

The Bridesmaids ... dressed up as Mary Antoniette ... Princess Kate ... Cleopetra
Polariods - taken with Bride to Be with a personal message from each guest

Bunting of the couple.....yessssss all hand made by The Monkey In Me!!!

I hope these snippets were worth waiting for .... it was definitely worth all the effort and everyone had the best time .... especially ME!!!

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