Friday 4 January 2013

Nasty Trigger

This Trigger had me spinning in circles and I had to kick it soooo hard and it just would not leave me alone.  Yesssssss I was freaking out, as it was tugging and biting into my fins.  I just kept kicking and kicking and must have gave it a headache ... alas I managed to set myself free!!!
I guess I was just lucky ... I had a couple of friends close by when this happened, but they thought it would be funny to watch me being attacked, so they just kept their distance, and left me to battle my own war with this Trigger!

Nasty Trigger coming right at me before all our fighting & kicking started!!!
(Experiencing difficulties downloading pix of this particular Trigger I encountered! Hope copy n paste works forever!)
Some triggerfish species can be quite aggressive when guarding their eggs. Both the picasso (Rhinecanthus aculeatus) and titan triggerfish (Balistoides viridescens) viciously defend their nests against intruders, including scuba divers and snorkellers.

Their territory extends in a cone from the nest toward the surface, so swimming upwards can put a diver further into the fishes' territory; a horizontal swim away from the nest site is best when confronted by an angry triggerfish.   The titan triggerfish poses a serious threat to inattentive divers due to its large size and powerful teeth.
To me .... the Trigger is more dangerous than the Shark!!
After some fierce battling & kicking ... the Trigger sank its teeth in and left its mark!!!

Just remember when you encounter a Trigger, it's not cute, its not pretty but it is vicious so just beware and be on guard!!!

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