Monday 16 May 2016

Club 60 Birthday Celebrations - March 2016

This bunch of us "Red Skirt" girls made a pact that we will all get together and celebrate when we all turn 60!!
The Red Skirt Ladies all going on 60 in 2016
So 2016 is finally upon us - this is the happening year for all of us.  As I blog this event, 4 of us are already in Club 60.  Elaine kicked it off in Feb, and Helen in March.  Last week, I joined the Club and as I type this, Susan is celebrating in celeb style right now in KL.

We all went to the same high school aka "red skirt" school.  A handful of us have known each other as far back as kinder!!!  With modern technology and through social media, we have been connecting over the past few years but more frequently and actively nowadays.  Whenever I am back in KL, Hazel will volunteer to get some of the ladies together and we have a chinwag and catch up over food food food!!!  One of our ladies, SChing (in blue top)  is also owner/chef at Fatty Crab, so this venue is often one of our catchup spots.  SChing is indeed a very busy lady with not much spare time and her restaurant is not only making a killing, but it is packed out most days with long queues waiting to get a table to enjoy her famous crabs.  (I experienced this many a times - had to wait outside on the road!!!) but  all her hard work is getting recognised as her family business was featured in one of the local "Forbes" magazine recently.

Helen also resides in Melbourne, and SFun has always been two timing between Singapore and KL after their return from SEA postings, so it was lucky the 3 of us managed to be available on the 10th March 2016.

Like everything else in Malaysia, its all about connections.  Lucky for us, CHar's son own an Italian Restaurant in Bangsar, the
Palazzo Viva and she organised the elaborate dinner for us.
Crispy Skin Smoked Stlantic Cod Fish with fruits salad and mushroom ragout
Starting off with 3 entrees, the lst one being Japanese Scallop Wiener Schnitzel with marinated root vegetable, ebiko and garlic aioli.  Main was a choice of two, and I chose the Grilled Australia Prime Strip Lion with baby Romain, corn and truffle French fries.  I was delightfully surprised it was so good as I have a high benchmark when it comes to Italian food being spoilt by all the fancy restaurants we have in Melbourne.
Dessert was Oreo Espuma Cholate, Gelate Ice Cream and Berries what an excellent way to finish off the meal.
It was not just the food, but the company and the friendship which has spanned over 40 years with most of us and somehow, we just managed to pick up where we left off and just chatted and chatted away.  Our Geography teacher, Mrs Thomazios was also in town as she now lives in California, so we invited her along and everyone was just so happy to be present.  Distance does not hinder the friendship we have and if anything, it makes it stronger especially now in our 60s.... some of us are seeking to reconnect!!!
My forever friends
Hazel, SFun, Me and Helen
Some of the luckier ladies have reached grandma status.  I guess for the rest of us, we can only live in hope that we will join Granny Club soon too.  For a handful of us, their children are not married yet but all of them are professionals in their own respective fields.  Overall, I reckon this bunch of ladies are all very fortunate in our own ways and regardless of what we have, what we do, where we are, where we go, what we own, but we have one thing in common and that is we know that we have a long and lasting friendship that never ends!!!  Fingers and toes and everything else crossed.

Let's celebrate our 60th milestone
and here's wishing everyone good health and see if we can all go the extra mile to our 70's and beyond!!!

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