Tuesday 24 May 2016

Good Friends/Good Food - KL March 2016

Over the past consecutive 5 years have seen me going back to KL more frequently because I fell in love with Sipadan.  I normally make Mensra my KL hub (courtesy of MY & HS) stopping over quickly to catch up with special people, before heading off to Mabul/Sipadan.

Time sure flies when you are having fun.  Just look at my Minzes, they are all married now except for Sandra, so each year when I visit, one might be preggers, or I will get to see a new addition to the family, and or be blown away by how quickly the other children have grown up!
These children are super cute and adorable and they belong to my long time friend HS.  Although I am not a granny yet by Becky, I am really lucky to be "popoSim" to HS's grandchildren. 
HS always makes time for me when I am in town, and my Minzes will spoil me with eating here and there and they are all just one big cool family.  HS bakes very well too, so my tummy is always filled with nothing but the best and all kinds of my favourite cakes.  The latest craze is HS's Florentines..... super delish and a very morerish healthy snack.
If you have not caught on yet by now, HS has 5 lovely daughters and they are my Minzes!!!

Whenever we get together, its always over food and I guess good friends and good food does go hand in hand together.  Super proud of my Minzes too as their event planning business has taken off like a rocket, and no matter how busy they are, they still make time to fit me in whenever possible.  This family is just amazing and I love hanging around them and even if we are doing nothing, just chilling with them I have the best time.  This is the sort of family environment I lack in my real life as I have 2 other siblings, but we all live in different countries and even if we did, we don't jell close to anything like HS's family!!!

Another old favourite is the Chia family or aka "94".  At the sheer mention of the santan jelly just in passing conversation, and before you know it, the next day I get to eat it!!!

Lately DC and SFun have also been spoiling me as DC cooks all the traditional Cantonese favourites (including spare parts) and I must brag that his Babi Utan Rendang is one of the best I have ever tried.  He also has good durain connections, so this time round I was still able to have 2 rounds of durains although they were supposedly out of season.

Going back to KL for me is all about catching up with good friends and eat some of my favourite local foods and fruits.  I don't have much business there anymore, but I do have good friends and one aunty from my mother's side.  As far as I am concerned, good friends are hard to come by, some times even better than family.  Like they say, you cant chose your family, but you can chose your friends... so choose wisely!

I guess I was born under a wandering star, and no matter where I go, it has always been shining bright for me.  Now I am even more thankful as I have a new island family addition based in Semporna/Mabul - thanks to Uncle Chang's Diving and Backpackers Resort.

This last trip in March, I missed MY and the boys as they have moved to Edinburgh to plant new roots.  I am so happy to report that they are all settled down comfortably and getting into a new English or shall I say Scottish way of life/routine.

Kuala Lumpur to me is all about good food and good friends,  there is always someone somewhere in KL that I can "sibuk" with and a couple more that I would like to mention and they are AK and JY -- old friends that I have plenty of time for, so I make sure when I am in town, we meet up and you have guessed it, over food!!!


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