Friday 20 December 2019

KL Rendezvous with da Fennemores

The Fennemores were in KL and I was flying in for Sandra's wedding, so we met at Mid Valley Mall to have a quick catch up and for me to collect my goodies from CK.

CK is like the sister I never had and as far as I am concern, she is family.  The next day they were flying back to London, so I just made it in a nick of time for this mini rendezvous.  

As usual, its a catch up over food.  We chose local food as we both enjoy it and CK does not get good local authentic food easily in Southend On Sea!  She has to go down to London!!!

Before her KL trip, CK was over in Europe, so I requested for the chocolates and paste.  She also gave me her homemade jams made out of fruits she grows on her allotment and her special Christmas cake.  I had to lug the foodstuff all the way to the islands after the wedding, so I decided to share some of my haul with my Minzes.

Martyn is so happy with his ice kachang he was not going to share with CK.  

Do not know when I will see them both again, but meeting in KL is the best idea ever as it is halfway for the both of us!

Sandra's Wedding

No:5 ... the baby Min gets married to Graham Raubvogel

The wedding needless to say was spectacular and having sisters who are event planners, everything was flawless and a great day was enjoyed by one and all.

Min sisters ..... Left to Right - No 1, 3, 2, 4

Not dwelling into too much details, the entire wedding was tastefully done.  The tea ceremony, the dinner, the decor, the venue, and it was great as friends/family/relatives came from all corners of the globe and everyone was united at this wedding.

Most of us stayed at the Hilton after the dinner and we all met up for breakfast and had a swim and messed around in the pool.  The kids had a ball and so did I.  

Thereafter, I even managed to get my old school girlie gang to meet up later at the hotel and they stole a pix with the Bride who was still recovering from the big events from last night!
Mostly my old school girl gang with the Minzes

We then adjourned to a restaurant to indulge into some nyona food and all too soon, it was time to bid everyone goodbye!  It was a good catch up and am sure we will catch up again.  

Eva to Japan

Only 2 months old but age never stops travels!  In my opinion..start them young!!!

They flew Qantas and Eva turned out to be quite the baby savvy traveller...must have got those travelling dna genes from her

Eva stayed at the Grand Palace Hotel
The daring parents took Eva to Japan when she was not even 3 months old.
Becky said Eva behaved well throughout the flight and was a good baby most of the time and I guess what she meant was Eva was sleeping most of the time on the entire trip.

My poh poh loves this pix of me

Pohpoh do not know all that happened when Eva was in Tokyo, so it is hard for me to write in detail.  From what photos were taken it looks like you had a good time.  
Now 20 months on, you seem to love sushi very much and can even ask for sushi and it is like your favourite food to eat when on your way home from school on Thurs/Fri.  Maybe you remembered the smell when your parents took you to the Japanese restaurants  but back then, you could not eat yet!

I love Japan too Eva, and I have been more than 10 times over the years and its one country that grows on you each time you go more and more.  I know you will love it too when you are more grown up and get to go again.  

Eva's lst Christmas 2018

Eva's lst Christmas in 2018 was held at Lola's house.

Like every other MISA get together occasion, there is always plenty of food and all the Misa clans will be there with their bells and whistles on!

This year, Eva is still much of a blob and everyone's entertainment!  Eva does not know how to help decorate the Christmas tree yet but she loves kicking the ornaments and have such good chuckles doing the kicking action, but she is able to unwrap her presents and is good at tearing up the wrapping paper!

Besides food, chit chat and laughter, there is also Cris Kringle and its always funny to see what Santa has in store for all of us.  The kids are always ready and waiting anxiously for this moment and some adults too!
Eva sandwiched between her cousins Josh and Hudson

Although Eva could not say much, you can tell that she knows she is with family and felt the Christmas spirit amongst everyone and she enjoyed herself being the centre of attention.  Everyone wanted a cuddle with Eva.

Eva loves kicking at the tree and finds it so funny it sends her into a frenzy!
I love my pressies and thank you very much "Santa" for my lovely gifts.

SEE - I am Number ONE!!!

Today Eva showed off for a bit - she stood up on her own and even took a couple of baby steps, but she is still not ready to walk yet!

It was a big day for Eva and she stayed up all that time we were at Lola's and even though she skipped one nap she was still hyper and happy and only crashed when she reached home!  
HO HO HO - Merry lst Christmas EVA

Singapore Fling 2018

I was in shock when PR told me he has never really seen Singapore from the outside of Changi Airport.  Guess who put up her hand and volunteered to be his local tourist guide?  So we met up in Singapore for a few days in 2018.  I arrived a few days earlier so that I could spend some quality time with my BFF, my cousin and to also visit my late uncle's place of rest.

Do not know what happened, but somewhere along the way I caught some weird bug and was feeling really quizzy... dizzy/fainty and sweaty and when PR arrived I was almost knocked out with it!

We had to give him the "ultimate" experience, so we splurged out and stayed at the Marina Bay Sands after spending 2 nights in a budget hotel in Chinatown.

The infinity roof top pool at Marina Bay Sands was spectacular but in my opinion the Management should do something to reduce the amount of people allowed into the pool area and totally ban fully dressed peeps in 6inch heels from entering the pool area.  
I was really annoyed as they spoilt the whole experience for me because they did not swim, just hung around in the water with cocktails and mobile phones in their hand, over crowding the pool just taking selfies and insta photos and as a lap swimmer, they were in my way!

PR was easy to please -- just take him to Chinatown.  As a matter of fact, we spent a couple of days in a Chinatown hotel so that he "felt at home" before we upgraded ourselves to the Marina Bay Sands.

Ironically, one night in Chinatown area, there was a festival and one of the many stands was a German Hotdog /Beer stall.  We met some other tourists there and after a few German beers everyone was feeling so happy and relaxed  that we all felt we were just one big family!

We ate everything from durians,  bbq sweet pork meat, ice kachang to satay etc.  One night SFun was kind enough to invite PR back to her home to sample DC's home cooking and sample some Singaporean hospitality.

Happy people under the influence of German beer

Debated which bbq meat shop was the best? = Lim something one made No: 1

We were in this dessert shop everyday ... sometimes twice a day!!!

Bits and pieces from Chinatown area

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View from our bedroom balcony
Looks can surely fool you - I was really feeling so sick I had to put on my poker face and get on with it, but I really struggled at Sentosa Island.  Maybe it was the heat too as I felt like I was going to pass out!!!  Every 5 minutes I will be looking for toilet signs and when we were in Little India, it was even worse and can you just imagine me sleeping at the table waiting for my food???

Regardless, I held up to my end of being a tourist guide and I know PR had a good time as we covered most major attractions.  Even though we did not do any high end shopping in Orchard Road, we were there and just whizzed in and out of CK Tangs, Takashimaya etc and only purchased food!!  

It was a shame that the Raffles Hotel was closed for refurbishment but we still managed to get our Singapore Sling at the Raffles Bar which happened to be still open!!!  

We dined at the Fullerton Hotel and then walked around afterwards to digest our meal but gave up half way, hailed a cab and went back to Marina Sands Bay and that was a wrap for us that nite!  
I was glad to flop into my bed ... one of the most comfy hotel beds ever but for the price of one night, I do not know if it really justifies it, but you only live once, so I keep telling PR to just enjoy it - been there, done that now --- so its time for us to bid Singapore farewell and we are now off to the islands!

Thursday 19 December 2019

2018 New Year in Tassie

Annual yacht race
When I arrived in Hobart to ring in the new year of 2018 with MB, (I know, 2020 is just round the corner now - today is 20/12/2019)
the annual yacht event was on and the yachts were rolling into town, so we went along to the waterfront to check out all the hype.  

I was lucky enough to get on board one of the yachts and was shown around and had a tour of the insides too.  I guess if I ever had a 2nd lease of life, this is something I should try out and sailing leisurely and owning a yacht has always been my dream and will remain a dream!  
If only PR lived in Oz, I might have had a wee chance as he owned one for 52 years and just sold it in May back in Germany.  He would have gladly been my Skipper!?!  Still waiting for MB and his Powerball numbers to strike and if he wins, I am sure we can get ourselves a huge cruise ship to fit everyone!!! lol

MB took me to the food festival held in conjunction with the boat race and we just ate from stall to stall.  This time round, I was more into the apricots than the blackberries.  Somewhat, fruits grown in Tassie does seem to have more flavour and taste better esp the cherries and plucking them off the tree is an added bonus.  Whenever in Tassie, I also make it a point to go to Richmond for the scallop pie, and so I did and I had 2 pies at one go, so my fix was met and cravings fulfilled.
The Richmond Bridge

Thornless blackberries
Sweetiest, juciest, most flavoursome apricot ever!!!
No trip to Tasmania is complete unless you have fresh oysters!  
Favourite free camping haunt for the RV
Going for drives and we passed by one of our favourite spots at Ninepin Point.  It is a headland in Tasmania situated southeast of Verona Sands.
JE came along with us for a drive and we had a good counter lunch at one of the local pubs.  These 2 boys/men are BFFs and they are so interactive that I reckon they can easily gossip together longer than 10 housewives put together!!!