Friday 20 December 2019

Eva to Japan

Only 2 months old but age never stops travels!  In my opinion..start them young!!!

They flew Qantas and Eva turned out to be quite the baby savvy traveller...must have got those travelling dna genes from her

Eva stayed at the Grand Palace Hotel
The daring parents took Eva to Japan when she was not even 3 months old.
Becky said Eva behaved well throughout the flight and was a good baby most of the time and I guess what she meant was Eva was sleeping most of the time on the entire trip.

My poh poh loves this pix of me

Pohpoh do not know all that happened when Eva was in Tokyo, so it is hard for me to write in detail.  From what photos were taken it looks like you had a good time.  
Now 20 months on, you seem to love sushi very much and can even ask for sushi and it is like your favourite food to eat when on your way home from school on Thurs/Fri.  Maybe you remembered the smell when your parents took you to the Japanese restaurants  but back then, you could not eat yet!

I love Japan too Eva, and I have been more than 10 times over the years and its one country that grows on you each time you go more and more.  I know you will love it too when you are more grown up and get to go again.  

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